One of my friends recently sent me a link to this article from My World in Shambles and I thought some of the entries moderately interesting. A brief list of the top ten things white feminists like are:
10. Crafts
9. Roller derby
8. bell hooks and Audre Lorde
7. Funky or thick framed glasses
6. Bettie Page
5. dabbling in vegetarianism
4. The Vagina Monologues
3. Johnny Depp
2. Take Back the Nights Rallies
1. Cats
Well, I understand crafts being on the list in part because many feminists (if not all) wish to be self-reliant and make things they or their families need. I find the fact that Roller Derby on here slightly surprising, but not entirely. I would've thought women's rugby over roller derby or even women's sports (especially team sports) in general. bell hooks and Audre Lorde, I can definitely agree with, but think this category could be slightly broader especially to include other works by women of color and sexual orientation that embrace and investigate the interrelatedness of being a woman of color, lesbian/bisexual, and/or womanhood itself. I think the funky or thick rimmed glasses is a little stereotypical and not very realistic. I think most women don't want glasses that take away from or hide their faces.
Now, Bettie Page.... I'll be honest, I had to look up who she specifically was in order for me to critique this making the list. First, since I had to look it up and I consider myself very well versed in feminist issues (past and present), I think this shouldn't have made the list. This image also brings up mixed feelings for me. I believe women should embrace the bodies they have and should not be shy about who they are, but I also believe in common decency. I also believe in female empowerment and if a woman wishes to show off her body and exert power over men by stripping (and therefore taking money (i.e. power) from men) more power to her.
Dabbling in vegetarianism.... I almost think this is applicable to many people, not just feminists. I think people who are more concerned about the ethical treatment of beings (human beings as well as other "animals") are more inclined to be vegetarians or at least buy meat from companies that stress the ethical treatment of its products. When I do eat or buy meat, I ask or look for information about whether the chickens or the cows were fed vegetarian diets, did not receive antibiotics and hormones, and were free-range beings.
I love The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler, so that's one text that deserves to be on this list. Johnny Depp definitely deserves to be listed as well. I love the slightly androgynous Depp. He's funny and sexy. I agree that Take Back the Nights Rallies should be on here as well even though I have never been to one of these meetings. Women need a safe place to go to interact without fear of any type of intrusive male presence.
Cats!! Yeah for cats being on the list! I love my kitties and they are great companions in life. They are there when you need to cry, enjoy petting, and show affection.
Things or items that I would've liked on the list: Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own --classic staple in any gender and women's studies class and something every feminist has read at one point. Childcare--yes, I know crafts are important, but so is proper childcare. Many women struggle with having children and maintaining a career, and adequate childcare allows women to do both while not sacrificing their relationships with their children. Last and certainly not least, every woman needs comfortable shoes and is a staple in many feminists wardrobes.
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